Why albums? | Behind the Photos
I recently had the opportunity to attend a class on the importance of printed albums, and really the importance of printing your images in general. This is something that just makes sense to me, I almost always choose the tangible over the digital in life. I prefer my planner to google calendar and write tasks on notepads. But, I know, I am one of the few who feel this way. Still, I have a strong belief that your memories should be more than a file on a computer.
I’ve photographed a lot of weddings and there are many common themes throughout. One that I always take an extra moment to linger over is when the couple has framed portraits of their parents and grandparents out on a table. It’s fascinating to see the styles of dress and look for similarities in characteristics. I am willing to bet that these images were not handed down through USB drives. Technology will always be changing, but printed content is timeless. No update to your computer will ever wipe out the framed photograph on your wall.
I am going to lay out two scenarios for you. The first is a typical delivery experience, the second a new and easier possibility.
Scenario One:
You wait and wait, making due with teasers and sneak peeks. Then, finally, you get the magical email you’ve been waiting for:
Your wedding photos are ready!
Excitedly, you log in and begin to scan through them, remembering the joy and beauty of the day. Soon you realize that 800+ photos are a lot of images to look through. You download them to your computer and say that you will go through them together another day and pick out a few to print. Weekends fill up, the holidays approach faster than you anticipated, and suddenly you are prepping for another addition to the family and the end of your free time. The images sit on your hard drives, or the cloud, and maybe you look through them for a new Facebook photo or when your mom really bugs you for that image with grandma in it.
Scenario Two:
You get home from your honeymoon and open an email. Your album is ready! We set up a meeting or skype call and open up an artistically designed layout of all of the best moments from your day. You flip through the pages as they reveal the story of your wedding, reliving all the emotions of the day.
We make a few tweaks and image swaps then it’s off to the printer!
A few weeks later, an heirloom piece arrives at your door. You look through it, feel the quality of the pages, the presentation of the custom cover and then set it on the coffee table. Friends admire it when they come over for dinner; your family retells the stories in the photos over coffee at the holidays; your children get to witness what a special celebration it was the day their parents decided on forever.
Album creation does not have to be a painful process and, using scenario 2, you will receive your finished product before most people even have a chance to look through their full wedding gallery. This same process can apply to family session albums as well, giving you an easy way to preserve and cherish your family’s story.
Your album is a valuable inheritance. Not just for you, but for the generations after who will want to look back on the story of their family.