
The D Family | Unscripted Session

A Day at the Beach

The D family is the cutest family of redheads I’ve ever seen. They are so welcoming and easy to get along with. We had a wonderful day together at Crissy Field Beach. Their eldest, Sebastian, is such a people person. As soon as I arrived, he greeted me at the door and had to show me his photo shoot outfit that he had picked out. He had a blast helping a fellow beach goer dig a sand ditch and also jumped aboard a paddle board that a few girls were playing on. I love his fearlessness. I wish I had been more like they when I was younger.

His little sister, Riley, was also a joy to photograph. So smiley and happy. She was completely content hanging with mom and splashing in the shallow water of the tide pools. I haven’t had a good beach day in a few years. Hanging with the Deckers reminded me how much fun it is to play in the sand with the sun warming your skin. I left our session smiling and slightly sunburned. 


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