groom getting help from his brother to tie his tie while dad looks over to check the progress.

The Second Photographer | 5 reasons why you may want one

Your guide to the second photographer

groom getting help from his brother to tie his tie while dad looks over to check the progress.

One of the most common questions I am asked when I am speaking with potential clients is, “Do we need a second photographer?” My experience, both as a first and second shooter, is that for larger weddings, it is an important and valuable addition to your wedding day team. In the overwhelm of planning, it can seem like a small step to skip, but having two photographers is a decision that many are grateful for once the day is under way and when they get their images after it is all over. Below are the 5 top reasons to make sure your photographer has a second.

  1. More photos

There is no better way to ensure that every detail of your day is covered than to have multiple photographers. After all of the hours spent deciding on flowers, decoration and venue the only thing that makes it all permanent is the images. With a second photographer I can make sure that both you and your fiancé have photographs of the pre-ceremony preparations. You will be able to look back on your special moment with your dad before he walks you down the aisle and also the look on your future husband’s face as he watches you approach. We can relax for portraits while the second photographer covers cocktail hour. The many tiny instants that make up your memories of the day will be preserved by two skilled pairs of eyes.

  1. Insurance

Although it would take hospitalization for me to not cover an event that I was contracted for, you never do know when tragedy will strike. In many cases I have seen photographers get last minute coverage for emergencies but I say, why run the risk? By having a second photographer on my team for your day, you ensure that if anything happens to my equipment or me, you will still have at least one person covering the day that will work in a style that matches mine. No risk of being stuck with someone who did not fit you personality or style.

  1. A calmer main photographer

Weddings are stressful, that is pretty widely acknowledged. There are a lot of moving parts that need to come together at the right time. As your photographer, it is part of my job to make sure that I am helping things to run on time and cover all details with the proper timing. When there is someone I can send to photograph a setup before the guests arrive or run to my car to grab that extra piece of equipment, it takes some of the pressure off. This allows me to be a calmer presence and in turn to keep your surroundings calmer.

  1. Extra hands for unexpected mishaps

As a second photographer I have also played the roll of boutonniere pinner, hair smoother, sunglasses watch woman for group photos and many other odd jobs that help the day run smoothly. Having an additional person on hand that knows the flow of a wedding day will keep some of the stress off of your shoulders.

  1. More creativity

As I mentioned above, having my trusty second with me helps to add ease to the day. This in turn frees my brain to think more creatively, especially during portraits and reception images. Not only am I thinking more creatively but my other photographer is also grabbing different angles or perspectives of the same scene. So, in addition to having more images from your day over all, chances are those images will be more unique.

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