Richard and Kerry | Yosemite Adventure Wedding
Yosemite National Park. Friends. Perfect weather.
Sometimes I can’t believe how awesome my job is.
I’ve known Richard since freshman year of college when we lived on the same dorm floor. We had a small crew on our floor and would get into all kinds harmless mischief. Whenever we weren’t studying of course. We have all matured in the 10 years since the dorms and half of our group is already married. But standing on a rock, watching Richard commit to forever with his wonderful wife, Kerry, was still a slightly unreal experience for me. His brother performed the ceremony and did so with such eloquence that I had to hold back tears so I could keep focused on the photography.
Standing on the edge of a 7,503′ cliff, with their families looking on, vows were exchanged and we all celebrated with hugs at a safer distance from the edge. After the official business had been taken care of, we set off to explore Glacier Point and the valley to find some epic photo spots. The day concluded with everyone cooking dinner together and relaxing after a day in the sun. It was the perfect day celebrating together with their families in such an epic location.