What I’m loving right now | Habit List

FaveBlogSo, fun fact about me, I love being helpful to others and sharing things that have been a benefit in my own life. I thought it would be fun to share some of these things with my readers as well, maybe provide a great book recommendation or other tool to enhance our daily routines.

 This week I want to tell you about Habit List, one of the most helpful apps I’ve ever downloaded.

We’ve all done this dance. “From now on I will___ every day!”

Make my Bed
Take vitamins

I mentioned in my last post that I’ve been working on creating new habits and I can honestly say that only reason I have been successful is because of this app. It is super easy to use and is oh so satisfying to check off when I have finished a task.

I am a hardcore Facebook addict but I manage to limit my facebook time to the middle of the day. It no longer keeps me up too late or makes me late for work. Also,I will actually get out of bed to take my Magnesium vitamin at night just so I can click that bubble.  The need to check off the list is stronger than my need to procrastinate.
That’s saying something!

I told my sister it was free, but it actually costs $3.99 in the app store. Woops! I get so much use out of it, it feels like it was free.

It has a bunch of other cool features that I have taken some photos of from my list, but I’ll let you check those out on your own.
Hope this was helpful!


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