Weekly Brain Candy | March 23


Editing thousands of photos at a time can get monotonous and mind numbing after a while. So, I often listen to podcasts or watch a movie/show that doesn’t require too much attention while editing. I’m often bugging my friends and family to watch a show or listen to a podcast that I found interesting lately. Recently, I had the thought that I could potentially bug a much larger audience with these recommendations! So now, every week, I’ll be sharing the highlights from my week of what kept me entertained. Hope you find this interesting, and maybe even helpful when you’re deciding what to watch or listen to next.

This first one will dig back through March but future posts will be more current.

Series: LOVE

I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed this Netflix show. At first I thought I wouldn’t be able to hang in long because the characters were kind of a disaster. I have to say though, they have won me over and now I love LOVE. When I saw the new season was coming out I knew it would be a 1-2 day binge watch. The male lead is endearingly nerdy and the female lead is spunky and passionate, with a substance abuse problem that she’s getting under control in Season 3. I don’t want to give too much away in case you haven’t seen Seasons 1 and 2, but I’ll leave you with a few highlights.

  • The roommate relationship between Mickey And Bertie is wonderful to watch evolve and strengthen.
  • Bertie’s character in general has a fantastic role this season.
  • There are some satisfying career wins for the characters that are long overdue.

If this peaked your interest at all I say go forth and binge watch some LOVE!

Podcast: How I Built this The Knot: Carley Rooney and David Liu

I am a big fan of this podcast in general but especially enjoyed this episode since I work in the wedding industry. If you’ve ever planned a wedding, are in the industry or just love to hear origin stories, this is a must listen. Carley and David talk through their challenges and victories on the path to creating one of the largest wedding planning website around. Listen to the full episode here

Movie and soundtrack: Begin Again

I found this film while mindlessly scrolling Netflix. The description looked interesting but kind of vague. I mentioned it to my boyfriend and he insisted that I watch it. He had already seen the movie and knew I would love it. He was not wrong. I was singing along with the original music created for the film by the end and even rewound it when the last song ended to listen again. It definitely has an indie movie vibes but doesn’t feel small scale with stars like Keira Knightly, Mark Ruffalo, James Corden, and Adam Levine.

It’s a must watch if you enjoy singer songwriters and indie movies. Be prepared to save the soundtrack on Spotify immediately after.

Watch: Begin Again

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