
Stern Grove Family Photographer | The H Family Session

A Picnic in Stern Grove

When I first met Kaitlyn and Eamon in the Stern Grove parking lot, they pulled a picnic basket and sunflowers out of their car. I had a feeling we would have a really fun session that day. Their little girl, Cora, is such a sweetheart, so curious and ready to explore. She was just about ready to start trying solid food and really got into gnawing on some crackers, even before they were out of the package.

I love working with babies just before they become toddlers. It can be a challenge but it’s so interesting to simply watch where their curiosity takes them. It’s definitely a workout for me, getting on their level (often on my stomach) and then maneuvering when they shift direction. Capturing their excitement over the small things we adults have ceased to notice always leaves me with a new appreciation of the world around me.

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