Flowers Winery Proposal | Matt and Sarah

The setting was perfect, Flowers Vineyard and Winery on a coastal mountaintop with epic views (^^see above^^). The story we told was, I was a photographer for the winery doing promotional photos during their private tasting. Sarah believed he wouldn’t propose this summer because he told her their friend had asked to wait until after her wedding, a very believable excuse I think. They tasted some rose and headed out for a tour of the grounds. I followed from a distance, taking the occasional photo of the scenery.

At “the location” our tour guide asked them to pose for one photo with me while she want back to prep the rest of the tasting. I took a few shots, thanked them, and waited, pretending to take photos of grapes. It felt like forever but was probably only a minute or two before I saw Matt start to lower down onto one knee.

Sarah was caught completely off guard! Shaking, laughing, crying, she pulled him into a tight embrace and said yes. After, she definitely gave him a good smack on the shoulder for lying to her all summer. So worth it though!

We walked around for a bit longer, taking some posed photos around the property. These two make each other laugh the smallest expressions. There is such an easy joy between them, which was so much fun to photograph.

It was really funny when Sarah remarked that her first impression of the winery was “wow this would be a great place for someone to get engaged!” Indeed it was.

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