Explorations | Off to Europe!
I can’t believe it is finally happening. This trip was just a dream for many years. There have been a number of times when I thought, “this will be the year,” only to decide to be sensible and spend the money on new gear or paying down debt. One of these instances was when I made the choice to move to California. I looked over the cost of the road trip, increased rent, increased cost of living and thought, “with this money I could have my trip to Europe.” I quickly realized, however, that if I spent that money on a vacation I would still return to a life that made me unhappy. So I put it on the back burner and traveled west to begin the journey to a more fulfilling life.
I have not regretted that decision for a day. As I pack my bags and double check my lists, I keep thinking about how different things are now. How I have created a life that I will be excited to return to. I love my work and have a variety of personal projects I’m anxious to get started on. I live in a place that still amazes me with it’s beauty and have some of the best friends who I can share all of this with.
I can’t wait to share all of my adventures with you from the next few weeks! With lots of photos, of course. For now, here’s a few snaps of what I will be bringing with me.