
Documentary Session | The S Family

Documentary sessions are my favorite way to photograph families. I was so excited that this sweet family trusted me to try out a 4 hour session in this style since they had never done one before. It was such a joy to be a part of their everyday for a few short hours, there were so many highlights I can’t even begin to list them all. But I’ll try. 🙂

For one, their home is a warm, inviting space with lots of natural light pouring in from the windows. What photographer wouldn’t love this much light?! The kitchen is a great family space with a huge island in the middle. Watching the two boys crawl around the counter as they helped with cookie making made me remember how fun it was to climb all over things when you’re that small.

One funny take away I had from this session was seeing all the similarities between things that the brothers do and things that my sister and I did when we were younger. The way they played together, enjoyed exploring their backyard, and even horsing around on mom and dad’s bed. The littlest boy at one point decided that all of the books needed to be off the bookshelf and spread out on the floor for him to enjoy. This was totally a move of my sister’s growing up. My parents even tried to install a bar across the bookshelf but that could not stop her. These memories of childhood bring a smile to my face and every family I get to document brings back different memories.

From baking, to outside time, to pillow fights on the bed, it was a great day. We ended the session with a trip to one of their favorite parks. The sun cast a warm golden light over the park as everyone explored and played together. The perfect way to end the day.

If you’re interested in doing a documentary session with your family, I would love to talk to you! Send me a note and we’ll plan an afternoon to capture the character your family.

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